Jimmy Cantrell
You mean those that came through the Hitler youth?
It is a very good question.
And as uncomfortable as it is, society has to look at it's own impact in creating these situations. Just as Naziism was affected by political actions of other countries, so has the situation in the middle East.
I agree in part with this but as humans there is still a level of personal responsibility needed. Liken it to being kids, we all get up to mischief because sometime in part down to peer pressure and influence from friends but you still accountable for what you do, be it stealing a bag of sweets or going for a joy ride. I know it seems polar examples but its the same fundementals. As humans you know the line but if you choose to ignore it thats your responsibility.
On the second point there is no doubt a knock on effect of whats gone on in the Middle East but then you have to root out the true reasoning on all this. It goes back to my earlier point of just using excuses to circumnavigate the system, many could be fighting under the banner of wanting the world to exists under the banner of Islam (plent of them radicals about) rather than fighting the holy war against the west due to Iraq, but when asked the reason you can say anythign.