Tom Huddlestone
There is one of these in Margate/Broadstairs.
Bloody arty Londoners beat me to it.
There is one of these in Margate/Broadstairs.
Thanks for all the messages and support guys, it's much appreciated.
I'm a bit numb and melted for.
Feel like I should have something really profound to say, but I've not.
Will drop out for a bit, but thanks again.
Well, where do I start with this one.
This doesn't end well so if anyone is on a bit of downer I don't recommend reading any further.
Was sitting watching the game this afternoon, about 20 minutes in and the door goes.
My wife is out at the shops so I get up to answer and it's my brother.
I bring him into the living room, everything OK I ask,
Not very good he says, our eldest brother has just found our dad dead in his house.
I am all a bit stunned at the moment, can't quite believe it.
Dad and I didn't have the greatest relationship, it was difficult at times but we still loved each other and that showed in the small things.
It's weird that I was watching a spurs game, as with most of us I'm a spurs fan because of my dad, although he wasn't a spurs fan he had seen the double winning side when they knocked rangers out of the cup winners Cup in "62.
Greatest team he ever saw he said, and that was enough for me, I was a spur.
Late 70s he was down in London and brought me back a scarf and a bucket hat, which I've still got.
On my first match at the new stadium I seen a bucket hat badge and bought it for him, he was over the moon and remembered buying the hat.
It's those little things I will keep with me, I will miss the old bugger and it's difficult to get my head around him not being here.
So sorry for your loss mate. Only just seen this.Thanks for all the messages and support guys, it's much appreciated.
I'm a bit numb and melted for.
Feel like I should have something really profound to say, but I've not.
Will drop out for a bit, but thanks again.
Anyone see the Washington helicopter/plane crash video?
Wtf was the helicopter doing, looks like it was clearly the fault of the helicopter coming into the planes landing path.
Poor people on board both, so sad.
So much footage showing the helicopter directly flying into the plane, looks very sussAnyone see the Washington helicopter/plane crash video?
Wtf was the helicopter doing, looks like it was clearly the fault of the helicopter coming into the planes landing path.
Poor people on board both, so sad.
Can't make any conclusions until all communication is heard. Visually, there's nothing preventing such accident. It was dark, so would only see the lights of the aircraft, and it's very very difficult to determine distance based on the lights alone, especially if they where flying head on, which is what it looks like from what I've seen.So much footage showing the helicopter directly flying into the plane, looks very suss
got promoted at work
i mean, i'm absolutely slaughtered with work all the time and the pay bump was brick. but nice shiny new title
Well, where do I start with this one.
This doesn't end well so if anyone is on a bit of downer I don't recommend reading any further.
Was sitting watching the game this afternoon, about 20 minutes in and the door goes.
My wife is out at the shops so I get up to answer and it's my brother.
I bring him into the living room, everything OK I ask,
Not very good he says, our eldest brother has just found our dad dead in his house.
I am all a bit stunned at the moment, can't quite believe it.
Dad and I didn't have the greatest relationship, it was difficult at times but we still loved each other and that showed in the small things.
It's weird that I was watching a spurs game, as with most of us I'm a spurs fan because of my dad, although he wasn't a spurs fan he had seen the double winning side when they knocked rangers out of the cup winners Cup in "62.
Greatest team he ever saw he said, and that was enough for me, I was a spur.
Late 70s he was down in London and brought me back a scarf and a bucket hat, which I've still got.
On my first match at the new stadium I seen a bucket hat badge and bought it for him, he was over the moon and remembered buying the hat.
It's those little things I will keep with me, I will miss the old bugger and it's difficult to get my head around him not being here.
Really sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself.
got promoted at work
i mean, i'm absolutely slaughtered with work all the time and the pay bump was brick. but nice shiny new title
My friend and neighbour's wife passed unexpectedly during the night. He has a 5 year old. His pain is indescribable. It is just awful...
It is so devastating to see the regrets, the despair, all of it. His parents arrived earlier, but we're all rallying for him and his 5 year old...fudging hell, what an absolute nightmare. Life is fudging ruthless at times. If nothing else, he's lucky to have you as his neighbor.
It is so devastating to see the regrets, the despair, all of it. His parents arrived earlier, but we're all rallying for him and his 5 year old...