Best form of population control is education for women and access to contraception and family planning. As educated women in general choose to have smaller families.With regards to population control, what have the Catholics ever done for us? Furthermore, what are the swathes of Christian fundamentalists doing for population control right now (with abortion bans spreading in the US anyway state by state)?
This is NOT a single-solution problem. I am perplexed as to why there is this laser focus on one specific area.
I am against the chatholic church and their approach. Absolutly disgusting and it needs to change. Just hate religions full stop.
The pope is a c*nt and his decrees have screwed over places like the Philippines, where the use of condoms is illegal, unless you are a sex worker. Being so impoverished, All they do in the evenings is screw as there is nothing else to do in the rural areas.
So I don't give a f*ck about what the Catholics have done for us, all they have done is make things worse. So they are a massive part of the problem.
I stated my views on the abortion laws in American and called them insane nutjobs.
Feel free to check.